

Elena Garrison

Op maandag 30 september, 7, 14 & 21 oktober 2024 + op vrijdag 25 oktober 2024 presentatie bij NOWHERE PRESENTS:

19:00 – 21:00

€25,- voor 4 workshops

Voor deelnemers van 12 t/m 30 jaar

(Speciaal voor IJburgers)

LET OP: deze workshops vinden plaats in Factor IJ, Pampuslaan 11, 1087 MB Amsterdam

Elena is a self-taught fiber artist who weaves stories through yarn with passion and purpose. Originally from an American Spanish background and now based in Amsterdam, she embraces craft as a therapeutic practice, using it to channel creativity, inspire reflection, and build a sense of community. Elena is committed to redefining crochet, challenging its stereotype as a quaint, outdated domestic activity.

In this workshop, you’ll learn the essentials of crochet, from mastering basic stitches to creating your own freehand projects. We’ll explore how crochet can engage your hands and open your mind, all within a cozy, creative space that encourages reflection and artistic expression. We’ll also dive into various yarn textures, techniques, and approaches to this artful slow-fashion craft.